An external firm to conduct your
customer satisfaction surveys


We can measure the level of loyalty of your actual customers towards your company

Let us compare!

Here are some interesting facts about customer satisfaction surveys being looked at in different aspects using different surveying channels.

Aspect Professional firm (phone calls) Internal
(phone calls)
Internal (postal or Internet)
Questionnaires management Professional interviewers, systemized method of interview and sustained by a specialised software; may last for 20-25 minutes Interviews conducted by staff that varies in time, and that is possibly resistant to doing this kind of work. must be shorter than by professional firm Self-administered questionnaires: not all questions answered. Few, if any, response to open-ended questions; very limited length
Success rate 80 % (high number of completed questionnaires) 50%-70% (but low number of completed questionnaires) Around 30% only
Statistical validity Yes Low Very poor
Data comparability over time and comparison of subgroups Comparable over time; possibility to compare subgroups such as sales territory or product category Doubtful because low number of completed questionnaires Doubtful because too much distortion in the return of questionnaires
Interview biasness Completely unbiased: independent interviewers, random selection of contacted clients, client’s complete freedom to highlight positive or negative comments Major bias:
difficult to ask clients to say what they really think of an employee who works for the company which is criticized
Major bias:
only a part of the category of by-nature active clients who respond to the survey but no information coming out from passive clients
Support for the management in the continuous improvement process Results generated from an independent firm are hardly contested by the personnel: it facilitates the « buy-in » of the personnel regarding the changes desired by the management Results whose credibility is variable and limited in the company Results whose credibility is variable and limited in the company

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

  • B2B Surveys
  • ISO Tracking
  • Reports with graphs and data analysis
  • Reputation studies
  • Customer loyalty measurement
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