Client Experience Survey: Overcome Low Response Rates

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Client experience surveys are invaluable tools for businesses that are seeking to grow and enhance their customer loyalty. They provide feedback data and insights that can help shape strategies and improve the overall client experience of a business. However, businesses are often confronted with low response rates.

In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind low response rates and provide strategies to overcome them, ensuring you collect the valuable feedback your business needs the most.


Why Does Response Rate Matter?

If only a small fraction of your clients participate, the data might not accurately represent the overall sentiment. This makes informed decisions or implementing meaningful improvements difficult, based on such little feedback.

Ensuring a good response rate is definitely a challenge, especially in industries where customers are less inclined to provide feedback. A low response rate can undermine the validity of the results or just make you ignore certain aspects. Actually, our experience demonstrates that 66% of the non-responding clients are not engaged with your brand and are likely to leave.


Common Reasons Behind Low Response Rates

Several factors contribute to this problem:

  • Survey Fatigue:

    Clients may receive numerous survey requests from various companies at different touchpoints, leading to survey fatigue.

  • Survey Length:

    Lengthy surveys with an excessive number of questions can be overwhelming.

  • Survey Experience:

    The overall experience of the respondents, including how you reach them, the channel you choose, and the medium, all matter.

  • Timing:

    If clients receive the survey at an inconvenient moment, they might delay or ignore it.

  • Frequency:

    Deciding how often to conduct surveys can also be tricky. Too frequent, and you may annoy customers; too infrequent, and you might miss important feedback. Customers can grow tired of being asked the same questions repeatedly.


Strategies to Boost Response Rates

Now that we understand the problem, let’s explore practical strategies to boost response rates.

A. Crafting Effective Survey Questions

The questions you ask and the wording you choose are crucial. They should be concise, relevant, and easy to understand.

Here are some tips:

  • Keep it short.
  • Ask specific questions and take concrete action based on the results.
  • Focus on the client’s actual experience. For example, ask about recent interactions or transactions.
  • Use a mix of closed-ended (multiple-choice) and open-ended questions to balance simplicity and depth.


Instead of asking, “How satisfied are you with our service?” you might ask, “On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your recent interaction with our customer support team? Please provide details if you can.”

Client Experience Survey: Timing

B. Timing Your Surveys

The timing of your survey requests can significantly impact response rates.

For better timing, consider the following:

  • Send surveys shortly after a meaningful client interaction, such as a purchase, customer support interaction, or a visit to your website. Immediate feedback can be as much as 40% more accurate than the feedback collected just 24 hours later.
  • Avoid sending surveys during holidays or busy periods when clients might be less likely to respond.

C. Using Incentives

Incentives can motivate clients to participate in your surveys. Some popular incentive options include:

  • Discounts or coupons for future purchases.
  • Entry into a contest with a valuable prize.
  • Donation to a charity on the client’s behalf.

However, it’s essential to use incentives ethically and transparently. Ensure that the incentive aligns with your brand and respondents’ values and doesn’t compromise the survey’s integrity.



In conclusion, with the right tools and strategies, overcoming low response rates in client experience surveys is achievable. Crafting effective survey questions, timing wisely, using incentives, and leveraging technology are key elements of success. Real-life success stories demonstrate that these strategies work, leading to improved client experiences and business growth.

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